Rest for the Justice Seeking Soul Celebration Tour

Blog Stops

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 19

CarpeDiem, December 20

Artistic Nobody, December 21 (Author Interview)

Just the Write Escape, December 22

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 23

Simple Harvest Reads, December 24 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, December 25

All 4 and About Books, December 26 (Author Interview)

For the Love of Literature, December 27

My Devotional Thoughts, December 28 (Author Interview)

janicesbookreviews, December 29

A Reader’s Brain, December 30

Through the Fire Blogs, December 31 (Author Interview)

Inklings and notions, January 1


About the Book

Book:  Rest for the Justice Seeking Soul

Author: Susan K. Williams Smith

Genre: RELIGION / Christian Living/Devotional

Release Date: November 12, 2019

9781641233088Susan K. Williams Smith is a minister and activist who has been on the front lines of social and racial justice for many years. As she has marched shoulder-to-shoulder to resist systematic oppression, she has heard the same question over and over: “How are we going to get through this?” Rest for the Justice-Seeking Soul was birthed out of those cries.

Here is a soul-care manual for social justice-seeking believers who stand in constant vigilance against all forms of racial, class, and gender oppression. The fight for justice and equality is an exhausting daily grind—and the work is never over. That’s why it is incumbent upon all who speak and advocate for the less fortunate to practice self-care. You can’t fight when your tank is empty.

In response to the many calls and emails she has received from friends, clergy, and strangers who are in utter despair and even deep depression, she has created ninety daily devotions to provide a daily spoonful of hope and encouragement, a healing balm to “strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees” (Hebrews 12:12). Lift your gaze upward toward a better future by allowing God to restore harmony and focus in your soul and justice in your community. Our God is bigger than whoever is oppressing you. As the old hymn states, “Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.”


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About the Author

9781641233088(1)Susan K. Williams Smith is an ordained minister, musician, writer, and activist living in Columbus, Ohio. She has written for the Washington Post and Huffington Post, as well as her blog, Candid Observations. She currently serves as one of the tri-chairs for the Ohio Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival. She also serves as national scribe for the African American Ministers’ Leadership Council (AAMLC), and communications consultant for the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference. The founder of Crazy Faith Ministries, she is a graduate of Occidental College and Yale Divinity School, and earned a D.Min from United Theological Seminary. Her previous book, Crazy Faith: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives, was published by Judson Press.


More from Susan

In response to calls and emails from friends, clergy, and strangers who are in utter despair and even deep depression in these political times, I’ve created ninety daily devotions to provide a daily spoonful of hope and encouragement, a healing balm for justice-seeking believers and social activists.



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