Celebrating Over Coffee with…..Jen Turano
**Beth Erin, you are our winner! Enjoy!
On this fall-like Friday, I am having coffee with the beautiful and wonderfully talented Jen Turano! We are talking all sorts of things from her cooking skills to her upcoming books. Plus…Shhhh!!! There is a freebee 🙂 Pull up a chair, let me pour you a cup as we learn more about Jen.
Will you tell us about your books?
Are you a plotter or a panster?
I would have to say I’m a little of both, a hybrid if you will. I always know how the book starts, how it ends, and I plan five chapters at a time. There’s no saying that planning will stay on course, but with the amount of deadlines I have these days, and trying to fit edits, marketing, and time for fun into my schedule, I find that having a better idea of the entire storyline makes everything go a lot smoother. Although…if say a goat happens to show up that I wasn’t expecting, I will find a way to add that goat to the storyline because…goats rock, right?
Do you like to listen to music while you write?
If you could live in any time period, what would it be?
Since I do so much historical research, I think I’m good living in this time period. There were a lot of less than hygienic practices back in the old days, and I just can’t imagine how smelly those ballrooms were at times, what with no one using deodorant and no air conditioning around. And don’t even get me started on the whole not shaving your legs business, not having hot water with a turn of a knob, or trying to cook with an oven that heated with fire. Now that’s a catastrophe in the making if you ask me.
What is your favorite food?
My very favorite food is chips, but since I had to give those up due to the idea I was becoming far too plump, my favorite food these days is probably yogurt, although I won’t say no to pasta every so often, paired with a nice salad topped with ranch dressing.
Why did you decide to become a writer?
What are your hobbies?
I used to enjoy cross-stitch, but with so many demands on my time, I’ve set that aside for now. I’m an avid hiker, love to read, although I can’t read in my genres while doing a first draft because, well, I end up mimicking what I’m reading, and…nope, I can’t think of any other hobbies I have at the moment.
Do you like to cook? Would you share with us a favorite recipe?
I’m a horrible cook and I’ve learned to embrace that idea. I’m incredibly sensitive to smell, so when I’m trying to cook something, I can’t taste it to see if I’m making it properly. In all honesty, I’ve pretty much given up at this point. I can whip up a tasty salad and throw some chicken on the grill, but since it’s just me and Al, our son abandoning us for college, we pick up stuff at the deli or meet friends out for a quick bite, which is far tastier than anything I could make and Al is worse than I am in the kitchen. So…obviously sharing a favorite recipe with all of you is really not a good idea.
If you could pick any genre to write in besides your current genre, what would it be?
Can you tell us about your current work in progress?
I’m just finishing up today with Miss Gertrude Cadwalader’s book – the book that will release from Bethany House after “Behind the Scenes.” Then, next week, I’m going to dive into the second book in my contemporary series, currently untitled – and it picks up where “Finding Margo” left off – with Raven Vanderlyn – after that, and after I do content edits on the books that are currently with editors, I’ll jump into Miss Temperance Flowerdew’s story. She’s a wallflower who has been forced to assume the role of poor relation, but…not for long.
Thank you so much for allowing me to chat with you, Sandra. Hope you have a fabulous fall season!
~ Jen ~
Jen Turano is an USA Today best-selling author. She writes contemporary and historical romances with quirky characters and unusual storylines. Just outside Denver, Colorado, Jen and her husband live as empty-nesters, and they do so fabulously. Contact Jen at jenturano.com.
In honor of our coffee chat, Jen is giving away a copy of Playing the Part. To enter, leave a comment sharing with us your favorite food. This giveaway will end on Monday, Sept 12 at 11:59 pm.
Popcorn! I don’t know why I can’t just live on popcorn.
Really glad you took up writing Jen. LOVE your books.
I just love Jen and have been a fan for a very long time! My favorite food is fettuccine alfredo… al dente is key!
Jen’s covers are all so wonderful! I can’t wait for At Your Request to be released! My favorite food is BBQ burnt ends. I could eat them anytime. Thanks for the fun interview!
My favorite food is anything Mexican! My daughter and I really like Jen’s books. Thanks for the chance to win.
When I need to smile, I know whose books to read. You always make me giggle. I can so relate to “the attention span of a gnat”. LOL And the cooking and sensitivity.
Golden Graham cereal could eat it every meal. Thanks for your review and giveway
I love this interview with Jen! She sounds like such a fun friend! It also sounds like she and Al are doing a great job at adjusting to being empty nesters too.
I don’t usually read Amish romances, having lived in Lancaster County, PA, at one time. For Jen, though, I’m dying to read her first contemporary story! Thanks for sharing with us, Jen!
Oh the books sound great to me!My favorite food is definitely Mexican! Tacos and Enchiladas
Favorite food? Probably chocolate…though I love salty things, too. Favorite combo of foods: M&Ms and salty popcorn!
Thanks for the chance to win–I own a couple of Jen’s books but haven’t read Playing the Part yet!
I love every one of Jen’s books!!
Ice cream ! I have to have some every day
I love picking up one of Jen’s books because I know it will be fun and entertaining! I would say my favorite food is potatoes and my favorite sweet is chocolate!
I am in love with Jen’s books and meeting her in Nashville last month was incredible! I am a crockpot person….soups… Roasts….chilli….mmmm!!!! Chicken Pot Pie soup from bakedbyrachel.com (not me) is a house favorite.
I am a good lover but I especially love a beef roast cooked with potatoes, carrots and onions. Add green beans and cole slaw and I am ecststic!!
cps1950 (at)gmail(dot)com
Oh My! DRAT that auto correct. I was trying to say FOOD lover.
Hahaha – I read your first reply, Connie -and had to put on my glasses and read it again – that’s hilarious:)
Jen Turano is, by far, my favorite author. I love the period in which her stories have been set, the quirky characters & their mishaps resulting in lots of endorphins being released as I laugh. My very favorite recipe is an easy pasta dish from Claire Robinson’s Five Ingredient Fix. It contains white balsamic vinegar marinated chicken, pasta, asparagus and a a couple of other ingredients. Can’t get enough of it!
Thanks for this post!
I join Sandy! YaY!! for popcorn
Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House
(I also have read and reviewed book 3 ~ but… not 1 & 2 😀 )
Great interview with Jen!!! I love fried shrimp!
Thank you, Jen!!! I’m so thrilled!!!