A River Too Deep Celebration Tour

Feb 1 - 14, 2016
Feb 1 – 14, 2016

Purchase your copy here.

Blog Tour Stops

Feb 1: Book Reviews From an Avid Reader

Feb 2: Cassandra M’s Place


Feb 4: Book Bites, Bee Stings, and Butterfly Kisses

Feb 5: Lavish Bookshelf

Feb 6: Daysong Reflections

Feb 7: Mary Hake

Feb 8: Christian Bookaholic

Feb 8: Reading Is My SuperPower

Feb 9: Texas Book-aholic

Feb 10: A Greater Yes

Feb 11: Simple Harvest Reads

Feb 11: Through the Open Window

Feb 12: Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations

Feb 13: BukWurmzzz

Feb 14: For The Love of Books

Recipe from Sydney Betts

RECIPE for Pemmican


* Raw red meat, sliced and dried as you would for jerky (must break not bend)

* Beef or buffalo fat (ratio of 40% fat to 60% meat correctly, so be sure you get the right stuff

* Dried cherries or cranberries to taste use at least 1 tsp. of salt per pound of meat in order to prevent bacteria growth.

-chop dried meat in a food processor until granular texture. Add salt and fruit

-cut fat into small chunks and heat on low—don’t burn (smoke). Drain any chunks in cheesecloth or a sieve and cool

-just saturate meat with fat until it’s the consistency of fudge. Roll out  and cut into strips or bite-size pieces. It should be firm and still a bit greasy to the touch. Wrap in something non-porous If made properly, it keeps at room temperature for years

Book Information

In the spring of 1817, Alcy Callen and her father visit a step-uncle they have long presumed dead; but instead of enjoying a loving reunion, they are plunged into treachery and deceit. Nothing is as they expected and little is what it seems. Even the man who helps her escape is not the reliable suitor he appears.

Alcy is caught between gratitude and fear, unable to avoid her rescuer’s attentions or understand the responses they stir. Neither can she tell what sort of man he is or what he intends to do with her in the strange place they are going. Will he keep her for himself or will he sell her to the highest

Of one person only is she certain, but will he come for her before it is too late?

About the Author

Sydney Tooman Betts and her protagonist-husband currently reside in the Shenandoah Valley near the extensive cavern system that inspired the setting for several early chapters of this book.

While single, Ms. Betts (B.S. Bible/Missiology, M.Ed) was involved in a variety of cross-cultural adventures in North and Central America. After marrying, she and her husband lived in Europe and the Middle East where he served in various mission-support capacities.  Her teaching experiences span preschool to guest lecturing at the graduate level and serving as the Sunday School Superintendent, Children’s Church Director, or Women’s Ministries facilitator in several evangelical denominations.

Before penning her first novel, A River too Deep, she ghost-wrote several stories for an adult literacy program.

Kindle Fire Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

3 thoughts on “

  • Emilee Douglas

    I really enjoyed the book tour of Sydney Bett’s book. It was interesting to see the different thoughts from each blogger. I would like to see a blog tour for her second book, Light Bird’s Song. Is that a possiblity?

  • Emilee

    Love this book! Please do a book tour with Light Bird’s Song by Sydney Betts! That would be awesome. This blog tour was great and all the bloggers did a wonderful job!

  • Emilee

    I can’t wait to find out who wins!!!

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