One Plus One Equals Trouble Celebration Tour


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Blog Stops

May 10: cherylbbookblog

May 11: Singing Librarian Books

May 12: Cassandra M’s Place


May 13: Inklings and Notions

May 14: Christian Bookaholic

May 14: Bigreadersite

May 15: The Power of Words

May 16: Through the Open Window

May 17: Melissa’s Musings – Reviews

May 18: Simple Harvest Reads

May 19: Texas Bookaholic

May 20: Bukwurmzzz

May 21: Reading Is My SuperPower

May 22: Raining Butterfly Kisses

May 23: Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations

About the Book

One Plus One Equals TroubleHumiliated after her broken engagement, Claire Montgomery flees her comfortable life in San Francisco for a teaching position in Pine Creek, Washington, a dot of a town nestled in the rugged Cascade Mountains. She’s determined to succeed—for once in her life—only to discover, upon her arrival, that success will have to be won. Thanks to a school board error, two teachers have been hired.

When scandal forces professor Barrett Clarke from his position, he returns to Pine Creek where his uncle, chairman of the school board, sets forth an irresistible offer: teach one year in return for ranchland. For this would-be rancher, nothing is more tempting than resurrecting his childhood dream, and nothing can deter him from earning that land.

Except perhaps Claire Montgomery. Losing the battle for the classroom means losing the ranchland, but winning may mean losing Claire’s heart.

About the Author

Sondra KraakA native of Washington State, Sondra Kraak grew up playing in the rain, hammering out Chopin at the piano, and running up and down the basketball court. Now settled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, she enjoys spending time with her husband and children, blogging about spiritual truths, and writing historical romance set in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She delights in sharing stories that not only entertain, but nourish the soul. Her debut novel, One Plus One Equals Trouble, was an ACFW Genesis semi-finalist (2015) and the winner of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference Unpublished Women’s Fiction Award (2015).


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