Oddball Ornaments: The Story of Forgiveness Celebration Tour
Blog Stops
Texas Book-aholic, December 7
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 8
Inklings and notions, December 9
deb’s Book Review, December 10
Mary Hake, December 10
Cover Lover Book Review, December 11
Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, December 12
Locks, Hooks and Books, December 13
Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, December 14
Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 15
SK Bell, December 15
Happily Managing a Household of Boys, December 16
Library Lady’s Kid Lit, December 17
Cats in the Cradle Blog, December 18
Bookzone Reviews, December 18
Lights in a Dark World, December 19
For Him and My Family, December 20
About the Book
Book: Oddball Ornaments: The Story of Forgiveness
Author: Terry Overton
Genre: Children’s (Young chapter book, middle grade reader) Christmas Story
Release date: July 25, 2022
Every Thanksgiving, the Oddball Ornaments are pulled out of the attic and hung on the tree to enjoy the holiday season with the humans. Last Christmas, the Oddballs learned that “Turkey Day” and “Box Day” weren’t about them but about a special Baby. This Christmas, the Oddball Ornaments can’t wait to learn more about this special holiday. But when a new ornament is hung on the tree, they find themselves left with even more questions than before. What does a drummer boy have to do with Christmas? In this heartwarming story for children of all ages, the Oddball Ornaments will see how Christmas is all about love and forgiveness and how God can take a broken family and heal hurting hearts.
Click here to get your copy!
About the Author
Terry Overton obtained her Ph.D. in Psychology and her Ed. D. in special education. She taught in public schools and was a school psychologist and a professor before retiring in 2016. She began her second “career” after retirement and now writes Christian fiction books and devotionals and hopes to share the Christian worldview through her writing. Her novels, middle grade readers, and picture books seek to entertain readers through the travel experiences and characters included in her books. She currently resides in Laguna Vista, Texas, near the Texas-Mexico border. She enjoys Biblical history and general Bible studies, writing, and enjoying family and friends. She has seven grandchildren and one great granddaughter.
More from Terry
This is the second book of the children’s Christmas series: Oddball Ornaments. The whole idea came to me while looking at the ornaments of my tree one year and wondering, “If they could talk to each other, what would they say?” In both books, the ornaments are alive and can hear their humans, but the humans cannot hear the ornaments talk. It was fun to write these characters and to help teach these imaginary friends lessons about Christmas and forgiveness.