Live Pure and Free Celebration Tour
Blog Stops
Texas Book-aholic, September 1
Mary Hake, September 2
A Reader’s Brain, September 3
Creating Romance, September 4
proud to be an autism mom, September 5
Artistic Nobody, September 5 (Spotlight)
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 6
Reading is my Super Power, September 7 (Interview)
Carpe Diem, September 8
A Baker’s Perspective, September 9
Bigreadersite, September 10
Power of Words, September 11 (Spotlight)
Janices book reviews, September 12
margaret kazmierczak, September 13 (Interview)
Just the Write Escape, September 14
About the Book
Book Title: Live Pure and Free
Author: Dave Howe
Genre: Non-fiction devotional for men
Release date: December 1, 2017
Live Pure and Free is for men who want to win in their battle for purity. Live Pure and Free is real. It’s gritty. But most of all, it gives hope.
Click here to purchase your copy!
About the Author

Guest Post from Dave
This is not a fluffy book. I talk about the real things that guys in my purity group were going through in their struggles, as well as my own story. It reflects my 10 years of leading men through their journey to purity, which is only found in Christ and with God’s power.
Some of the devotions get gritty, and real. In Revelation 12:11 it says, “ And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” I wanted the reader to say to themselves, “this guy is real. He’s been through this and has overcome. If he can do it, I can do it.”
I heard one writer say that you have to have that personal connection with the reader through your honesty. “You have to bleed all over the pages.” That’s what I did.