Getting to Know the God Who Sees Celebration Tour

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Blog Stops

Mary Hake, January 15

The Mimosa Blossom, January 15

A Diva’s Heart, January 16

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, January 16

My Devotional Thoughts, January 17

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, January 17

Texas Book-aholic, January 18

Janices book reviews, January 19

Bibliophile Reviews, January 20

Kelly Harrel, January 21

Godly Book Reviews, January 22

All-of-a-kind Mom, January 22

Carpe Diem, January 23

A Baker’s Perspective, January 24

Just the Write Escape, January 25

Artistic Nobody, January 26 (Spotlight)

Bigreadersite, January 26

Through the Lens of Scripture, January 27

A Reader’s brain, January 28

Book World Reviews, January 28


About the Book

Getting to Know the God Who Sees Cover

Title: Getting to Know the God Who Sees

Author: Joy Suzanne Hunt

Genre: Bible Study

Release date: December 2018

The only Bible study of its kind! 80% of the world learns best through stories, and that’s why 75% of the Bible is…you guessed it, story! Even all those heavy-duty law chapters are actually set in the middle of stories. How cool is that? This Bible study, based on storytelling practices used by missionaries in low-literacy countries, will teach you to get to know God through HIS real-life stories and apply his word to YOUR real life…even if reading isn’t really your thing.

  • 6 stories in 6 weeks
  • For group or individual study. Study in a group to maximize your learning and your fun!
  • For each story, you will….
    • Learn the background information that connects the story to your world
    • Examine God’s word from several angles
    • Be able to confidently share the story with people you know, at just the right time

BONUS: Audio files for each of the stories so you can take them with you and practice on the go!


Click here to purchase your copy!


About the Author

Joy Suzanne HuntJoy Suzanne Hunt is a manufacturing buyer by day, Bible School teacher and licensed pastor by night. In seminary (think “grad school for Bible nerds”), she fell in love with storytelling as a way to connect God’s Word + Real Life. At the end of the workday, you’ll find her playing French Horn with the community college band or curled up with her Kindle and a Christian suspense novel. You can find her at or check out her FREE 5 Day Challenge: Build a Life-Proof Bible Study Habit at


Guest Post from Joy

When God Gives You Pretzels


Do you remember learning these great Bible stories as a kid?  Sweet stuff.  David’s victory over Goliath. Daniel in the Lion’s Den.  Gideon’s Fleece (it wasn’t a Snuggie.  Are those even still a thing?)  Shadrach, Meshach, and To-bed-we-go.  Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus.  They were like chocolate-covered pretzels, right?  Sweet on the outside, a little crunchy on the inside, but the sweet smooth chocolate washed it all down.  Just a spoonful of sugar…right?


But as adults, we start to realize that life has some really pretty crunchy, salty moments.  Sometimes too dry.  Like those giant stick pretzels, the ones that are super salty and kind of hard to chew.  Don’t tell your dentist you’ve been eating them!  The person that died even though you prayed for healing.  The war that seemed justified but leaves so many innocent people hurting.  When life doesn’t have that sweet smooth chocolate coating, it can be hard to reconcile the God we serve with the situation we live in.


Except that some of Scripture is like those crunchy, salty pretzels too.

A lot of it, actually.  Things in history that don’t make sense, or that are hard to swallow.  Death and destruction and horrible treatment, commands that don’t seem to make sense to modern eyes.  Don’t get me wrong – there are some really sweet spots, like taking a bite out of a Sees bar full of toffee nuggets.  But a lot of the Bible is actually a lot more like real life.  It’s hard to capture that in a 3-point sermon.  Who wants to pick the messy things to talk about?  And how can your pastor explain it in 25 minutes?  How can he explain things that can’t be explained?  But maybe those are exactly the things we need to talk about.  Maybe we need a real messy Scripture that speaks directly into our real, messy world.


That’s the power of story.

Story, well told, leaves room for us to experience the salty moments.  To question them, to approach it from different angles.  Stories don’t come pre-chewed.  The flavors are sharp and contrasting.  In the midst of those crunchy situations, we can “Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!” (Psalm 34:8)


Of course, the problem with stories is that we might not always be satisfied.  We might not come to the same conclusion.  God’s Story leaves some things well defined and others…mysteries.  So maybe we’ll spend the rest of our time here wrestling with them, and like Jacob wrestling with God, we’ll come away changed.

Maybe as adults, Scripture can taste a little more like dark-chocolate covered pretzels.  The sweet right alongside the salty, the crunchy, even the bitter.  That’s my hope for Getting to Know the God Who Sees: that we can start to chew on God’s Word in the midst of our messy lives, and get to know the God who is present with us in the sweet, the salty, the crunchy, and the bitter moments.

Are you hungry yet?



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