Convergence Celebration Tour
Blog Stops
Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, July 1
Christina’s Corner, July 2
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, July 3
Artistic Nobody, July 4 (Author Interview)
Lily’s Book Reviews, July 5
Texas Book-aholic, July 6
Guild Master, July 7 (Author Interview)
The Lit Lady, July 7
Locks, Hooks and Books, July 8
Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, July 9
Through the Fire Blogs, July 10 (Author Interview)
Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, July 11
Stories By Gina, July 12 (Author Interview)
Scott’s Book Reviews, July 12
Blogging With Carol, July 13
Splashes of Joy, July 14 (Author Interview)
About the Book
Book: Convergence
Author: Rena Groot
Genre: Apocalyptic Fiction based on the Book of Revelation
Release date: 2021
Convergence-A Window Into Eternity offers a glimpse into an apocalyptic world that was foretold thousands of years ago. As the climactic showdown between good and evil approaches, the convergence of prophetic signs is accelerating at an alarming pace. Yet, beyond the nightmare, a time of beauty, peace, and love awaits. The book invites readers to witness the unfolding drama as the curtain is pulled back. Within its pages, there are numerous messages to ponder—from trusting God no matter the circumstances to being strong and courageous in the face of adversity. The book reminds us that this life is fleeting, and eternity is at stake. The chapter called The Bride Price describes what Jesus endured to purchase our freedom. The book also reveals the despicable nature of Satan and offers a glimpse into the potential future under the rule of the Antichrist. Most importantly, Convergence-A Window Into Eternity showcases the beauty of Heaven and what it could be like to see Jesus.
Click here to get your copy!
About the Author
Hi. My name is Rena Groot. I am an artist, writer, online course creator (Broken to Beautiful…, BnB host, have been a teacher in Canada and China, a tour manager from the Rockies to the Pacific, and a missionary to the ends of the Earth. God has given me the honor of being an ambassador with “The Department of Eternal Affairs” to so many surprising places. I prayed with a voodoo queen in Haiti, led a dying woman to Jesus in a hut in a jungle village in Belize, helped with “Sidewalk Sunday Schools” in the Ghetto in NYC, took food and clothing to persecuted Christians behind the Iron Curtain in Poland and Romania, volunteered in Israel… just to name a few amazing things God led me to do. I started a blog to bless, encourage, and sometimes challenge people. Here’s the link.
More from Rena
Get ready for a thrilling adventure that will take you on a journey like no other. The Narrow Path Trilogy is an epic drama based on the book of Revelation that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The series explores some of the deepest issues we face in today’s turbulent times. As fear grips many, the trilogy offers a glimmer of hope by helping readers develop a deeper faith and trust in God. If you enjoyed the Left Behind series, you’ll love this dystopian trilogy that delves even deeper into what Christians could face in the future. The chapter called ‘The Bride Price’ may make you cry. Convergence describes the merging of prophetic signs John the beloved disciple saw in visions while stranded on the Isle of Patmos. It points us to the accelerating culmination of human history and ushers the reader through the portals of time and into eternity.